Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Photoshop Projects

Project 1: For the first project, I used the opacity bar to make the text and the compass logo to appear faded and make it see through. I used the Horizontal Text Tool in order the create the text on the photo. I also used the Magic Eraser to erase the bits of white in the original compass image to make those parts in the compass clear.

Project 2: In the second project I used the Magic Wand Tool to select certain areas of the butterfly's wings. Once I did this I used the Hue/Saturation Panel to change the hues of the colors of the selected parts on the butterfly. I also used the Clone Stamp Tool, to copy and fade the sides of the butterfly's wings to make it appear that they are fluttering.

Project 3: In the third project I used the Horizontal Type Mask Tool to create a mask out of typed text. I also used the Character Panel to change the properties of my selected text. Once I did this I used command-shift-I to inverse my selection to select everything but the text, and then I used the gradient tool to create a gradient using ONW colors and dragged it across the picture in a linear fashion to apply it to the selected background.

Project 4: Lastly, in the fourth project I first used combinations of the Clone Stamp Tool and the content-aware fill option to cleanly get rid of certain unneeded object in the picture, such as light posts or cars. Then to get the Raven head into the picture, I used the Magnetic Lasso Tool to carefully select the Raven from its original picture, and I pasted it into the project. I also pasted other objects into the project and to get rid of some of the edges of the picture I used a layer mask to erase away the edges. I then used the opacity bar to fade these objects into the picture.

Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop are different in terms of work because Illustrator is more suited towards creating drawings and other types of images or sketches, while Photoshop is more suited towards photo manipulation and design. Graphic designers need both of these programs because both programs are better at their job than the other program is, so usage of both of these programs is good to fully perform your task to the fullest extent.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Web Design Project

In this project we got to create our very own webpage in Adobe Dreamweaver CS6. I learned how HTML code works and how to use it, as well as the interface of Dreamweaver. I also learned how to use CSS to set a certain design for a website. I didn't find the project too particularly difficult, I thought it was pretty easy to grasp and work with. The only troubles I had was embedding a YouTube video, and that was because of a small mistake in YouTube's coding. I found the project to be very enjoyable. I liked customizing things and coding to see my creation come to life.

Monday, November 24, 2014

e9 Logo Project

What was the scope of the project?
The scope of the project was to create a logo of our names, incorporating different elements such as color, shape, and font. The goal was to learn about different design elements that can be used to create a mood that sets the tone to sell or persuade something. 

What was your process?

I had a lot less time to start and complete this project than everyone else because I was gone for a week, so my process was a bit rushed. I started with creating a draft of 4 concept logos. I took these four logos and created a digital completed version of each of them. After creating them, I narrowed the logos down to one, and the one I chose was this one. I chose this one because I thought it was the best executed, as well as that it was much easily to look at and decipher than the rest of the other logos. After choosing it, and refined it a bit more to make it a little more proportional.
What did you learn along the way?

Along the way I learned about many different techniques to use in Illustrator, such as the Create Outlines tool, which creates vectors that you can use to manipulate shape and texts. I also learned how to send objects to the back of the page so that other objects can overlap them. During the process of this project I also learned how to manage my time and make sure I can complete a project with a close deadline and little time (due to my near week long absence).

What would you do differently next time?

Next time I will try to take more time creating my logo concepts and polishing those concepts in Illustrator, as I didn't too much in this project. I will also try to have more variety in my logo designs and more creativity when creating my logos.

What would you do the same?

Next time I will try to manage my time the same way, as my time management in this project was good considering the time I had. I will also repeat the same process I had in creating my color scheme and making sure that colors weren't too bright and distracting.

What will you draw from this experience to enhance you project?

I will use simplicity in creating my logos and use my time efficiently. What I drew from this project was that time is important and creativity, simplicity, shape, color, and font are the key elements in creating a successful logo. I enjoyed this project because it helped me understand successful logo design. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Color Wheel

Adobe Illustrator Color Wheel
     It matters what colors companies use for their logos and their products because in the human mind all colors symbolize certain emotions, feelings, and ideas, and companies can use colors to invoke these ideas and emotions in people, using them to help sell their product/service.

Red - Love, Violence, Blood, Anger
Green -  Nature, Environment, Envy, Newness
Blue - Technology, Water, Sadness, Innocence
Black - Night, Darkness, Evil, Unknowingness
White - Light, Day, Peace, Knowledge
Purple - Royalty, Piety, Prestige, Wealth
Yellow - Sun, Cowardliness, Joy, Sickness
Orange - Warmth, Fire, Harvest, Tropics
Brown - Decay, Filth, Earth, Home


Friday, October 24, 2014

Logo Color Use

The logo was the old alternative logo for the Milwaukee Brewers baseball club in the MLB. It uses the colors blue and yellow, with a bit of white in the middle of the baseball. They do not follow any of the color schemes that we learned in class. The reason the team chose the colors of blue and gold was because they were the same colors the team had when they were based in Seattle as the Seattle Pilots. I like this logo because of the way that the glove is made up of an "M" and a "B" for the Milwaukee Brewers. 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

e9 Interview

I enjoyed being in this e9 class overall. I liked learning about the different shots and how operate the equipment, as well as the chance to work on our own videos and create our own results from the tools that we learned. I enjoyed working with the other people in my class to create a finished, polished product. I also liked coming up with creative ideas for videos and finding the resources to make those ideas happen, like for example, using an alien mask for the chase scene. I am heavily considering taking this class in my sophomore year, as it was not only why I joined e-Comm in the first place, but also that I enjoyed working in this class and being able to go where ever at school to use as a film set. Overall, I liked the work environment in this class and the type of work that we did, and I look forward to possibly continuing video in my sophomore.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Chase Scene

During this project, I learned how to apply different transition effects to the clips, and well as the arrow keys and how to make certain audio fade out. I also learned how to find music and sound effects that can fit within my video. In my next project, I will apply the arrow keys more, as well as other different shortcut keys, such as the the shift Z shortcut, which pastes everything into the timeline, and the J, K, and L keys for quicker navigation in videos to speed up the editing process.

In this project, the collaboration was different in that, for me at least, this project was much more involving. We all contributed to making the project happen, and prevailed even with many challenges faced into our way. Next project, I will try to help my team even more, and make sure that we follow the screenplay as much as we can. I will put in my best effort and focus next time so that we have an even better final product.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

2nd Six Shot Sequence Project


     From this project I learned how to work together with other people and communicate with them to get the work done. I also learned how to connect a story together with the 6-Shot Sequence and make it flow and be consistent. I worked on making the video flowing and connected, as that was one of my flaws in my previous assignments. I will apply this connection of 6-Shot Sequences in future projects, as well as communication with my classmates.

     Collaboration means to work together with a group of people in order to achieve a common goal. Collaboration was very important in this project; without it, we wouldn't have been able to work through scheduling conflicts and creative difficulties. With it we were able to complete it with limited time and work it into something good. I learned that collaboration is one of the key things needed in this class.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Six Shot Sequence

     I learned a lot when making this video. I learned about all of the different types of shots. The Extra Close-Up shot is a shot of only the person's hands. An Over-the-Sholder shot is a shot that is filmed over the person's sholder. The Close-Up shot reveals the persons face in the sequence, and the Medium shot shows the person from the hips up. The Wide shot shows the entire person, and the Extra-Wide shot shows the whole person plus the entire setting.

     I also learned to keep my video continuous with motions and shots, and to not disorient the view by quickly changing to drastically different shots. In future projects, I will apply all of these things, and I will also make sure that I do not keep certain shots going on for too long, and make sure that the shots as well as what they a portraying are consistant.

Monday, September 1, 2014

My Personality Test

My personality type is INFP. INFPs are idealistic people; they strongly hold to their values. They see the potential in everything: people, technology, knowledge, and the future. They wish to work towards that potential and reach their personal best. Because of this, we are flexible and can take whatever is heading towards us. We value relationships with other people and wish to improve them if a relationship is failing. We encourage the spreading of ideas, and that creativity and the arts are the outlet for mankind. Famous INFPs include Shakespeare, Vincent Van Gogh, Edgar Allan Poe, and Nicolas Cage.

This personality type mostly gets the idea of who I am. I do see potential in everything, and I am open to most, if not all new ideas. I am usually a pretty sympathetic guy, and feelings come heavy to me. I still, however, am a rational thinker and won't do something because of how I feel, although that may play a large part. I love handling with new ideas, and breaking the fabric of the norm. I don't usually think too much about the future, however; unless I'm daydreaming or fantasizing, my mind generally stays in the present. This personality type explains well how I like to focus on arts like film and music. It also explains why I am a chronic procrastinator, a habit I'm trying my hardest to break. The type somewhat helps me understand who I am; for example, why I always have had the desire to achieve something great.

When I am in a group, I am typically the one who envisions the project. I imagine what we want the final product to be, and then try to figure out how to achieve that vision, while being open to any new ideas to be added. When I am able to get this role, I tend to set our sights clear as what to do,
although I may need another person to help make sure we actually get there. If I don't get this type of role, I tend to be able to adapt to whatever I need to do, and while I may not be as good at that role as
other ones, I can still get the job done. My friends have misunderstood me because of my personality plenty of times, mostly due to my ambitious and idealistic nature. I have also misunderstood people because of my personality, for example, when I was in 7th Grade (and was an egotistical jerk) and was outraged at certain people "being content with doing nothing worthwhile." (I have since grown from that kind of self-absorbed thinking.) Now I try my best to understand everyone and find out what they are like and why.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Video Game Highlight Video

I made this video using Final Cut Pro. I used many tools in making this video, such as the Command+B tool, which is the blade tool. It cuts the video so that you can use whatever parts of the video you want. I also used the Import tool, or the Command+I tool, which imports video, pictures, and music. I used Command+Z, which undoes your previous action. Lastly, I used the Command+E tool, or the Export tool, to export my video into a video file so that I could upload to the Internet.

I chose this hobby because it is a common pastime between my friends and I. Usually I don't have much time on my hands (partly because I am busy, but mostly because I have poor time management), so when I do have some free time, I like to spend it with my friends. Most of my friends live nowhere near me, so I can't regularly hang out with them in real life, so this is the second best choice. Plus, it's pretty fun, especially when something crazy happens.