Monday, November 24, 2014

e9 Logo Project

What was the scope of the project?
The scope of the project was to create a logo of our names, incorporating different elements such as color, shape, and font. The goal was to learn about different design elements that can be used to create a mood that sets the tone to sell or persuade something. 

What was your process?

I had a lot less time to start and complete this project than everyone else because I was gone for a week, so my process was a bit rushed. I started with creating a draft of 4 concept logos. I took these four logos and created a digital completed version of each of them. After creating them, I narrowed the logos down to one, and the one I chose was this one. I chose this one because I thought it was the best executed, as well as that it was much easily to look at and decipher than the rest of the other logos. After choosing it, and refined it a bit more to make it a little more proportional.
What did you learn along the way?

Along the way I learned about many different techniques to use in Illustrator, such as the Create Outlines tool, which creates vectors that you can use to manipulate shape and texts. I also learned how to send objects to the back of the page so that other objects can overlap them. During the process of this project I also learned how to manage my time and make sure I can complete a project with a close deadline and little time (due to my near week long absence).

What would you do differently next time?

Next time I will try to take more time creating my logo concepts and polishing those concepts in Illustrator, as I didn't too much in this project. I will also try to have more variety in my logo designs and more creativity when creating my logos.

What would you do the same?

Next time I will try to manage my time the same way, as my time management in this project was good considering the time I had. I will also repeat the same process I had in creating my color scheme and making sure that colors weren't too bright and distracting.

What will you draw from this experience to enhance you project?

I will use simplicity in creating my logos and use my time efficiently. What I drew from this project was that time is important and creativity, simplicity, shape, color, and font are the key elements in creating a successful logo. I enjoyed this project because it helped me understand successful logo design. 

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