Thursday, September 18, 2014

2nd Six Shot Sequence Project


     From this project I learned how to work together with other people and communicate with them to get the work done. I also learned how to connect a story together with the 6-Shot Sequence and make it flow and be consistent. I worked on making the video flowing and connected, as that was one of my flaws in my previous assignments. I will apply this connection of 6-Shot Sequences in future projects, as well as communication with my classmates.

     Collaboration means to work together with a group of people in order to achieve a common goal. Collaboration was very important in this project; without it, we wouldn't have been able to work through scheduling conflicts and creative difficulties. With it we were able to complete it with limited time and work it into something good. I learned that collaboration is one of the key things needed in this class.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Six Shot Sequence

     I learned a lot when making this video. I learned about all of the different types of shots. The Extra Close-Up shot is a shot of only the person's hands. An Over-the-Sholder shot is a shot that is filmed over the person's sholder. The Close-Up shot reveals the persons face in the sequence, and the Medium shot shows the person from the hips up. The Wide shot shows the entire person, and the Extra-Wide shot shows the whole person plus the entire setting.

     I also learned to keep my video continuous with motions and shots, and to not disorient the view by quickly changing to drastically different shots. In future projects, I will apply all of these things, and I will also make sure that I do not keep certain shots going on for too long, and make sure that the shots as well as what they a portraying are consistant.

Monday, September 1, 2014

My Personality Test

My personality type is INFP. INFPs are idealistic people; they strongly hold to their values. They see the potential in everything: people, technology, knowledge, and the future. They wish to work towards that potential and reach their personal best. Because of this, we are flexible and can take whatever is heading towards us. We value relationships with other people and wish to improve them if a relationship is failing. We encourage the spreading of ideas, and that creativity and the arts are the outlet for mankind. Famous INFPs include Shakespeare, Vincent Van Gogh, Edgar Allan Poe, and Nicolas Cage.

This personality type mostly gets the idea of who I am. I do see potential in everything, and I am open to most, if not all new ideas. I am usually a pretty sympathetic guy, and feelings come heavy to me. I still, however, am a rational thinker and won't do something because of how I feel, although that may play a large part. I love handling with new ideas, and breaking the fabric of the norm. I don't usually think too much about the future, however; unless I'm daydreaming or fantasizing, my mind generally stays in the present. This personality type explains well how I like to focus on arts like film and music. It also explains why I am a chronic procrastinator, a habit I'm trying my hardest to break. The type somewhat helps me understand who I am; for example, why I always have had the desire to achieve something great.

When I am in a group, I am typically the one who envisions the project. I imagine what we want the final product to be, and then try to figure out how to achieve that vision, while being open to any new ideas to be added. When I am able to get this role, I tend to set our sights clear as what to do,
although I may need another person to help make sure we actually get there. If I don't get this type of role, I tend to be able to adapt to whatever I need to do, and while I may not be as good at that role as
other ones, I can still get the job done. My friends have misunderstood me because of my personality plenty of times, mostly due to my ambitious and idealistic nature. I have also misunderstood people because of my personality, for example, when I was in 7th Grade (and was an egotistical jerk) and was outraged at certain people "being content with doing nothing worthwhile." (I have since grown from that kind of self-absorbed thinking.) Now I try my best to understand everyone and find out what they are like and why.