Monday, May 18, 2015

Quarter Four Final Project Blog Post

What was the scope of the project?
The scope was to create a product that would appeal to consumers, starting up a company that would sell this product, and marketing it and creating a message and overall theme for the company. Our product was the Rainbow Generator, which was a machine that created rainbows with ease. The company we created in order to market and sell this product was Iris, Inc. The overall message of our company was to bring color into children's worlds, and to show them the beauty that is Earth. The partners that I worked with for this project were Madison Beck (ENFP), Ariana Caraway (ENFJ), and Elijah Harris (INTJ). 

What was your process?
We started off the project by brainstorming about what our product should be. After a couple days of thinking and narrowing down our decisions, we finally all agreed on having the Rainbow Generator as our product. Once this was done, we had to create our company. We decided upon Iris, Inc., which represents the Greek goddess Iris, who summoned rainbows from the heavens. 

The first rotation we had was animation. We first all put in our ideas on what the product would look like before settling on the final design, which is a large machine that resembles a water cooler. You insert water into the top compartment and press the button, which causes a rainbow to appear out of the hole. Maddi and Ariana worked on the final model of the product, Elijah worked on the animation showcase of the product, and I worked on the packaging of the product.

Our second rotation was graphic design/website. Our first goal was to create a logo. We all knew that we wanted a variety of colors for our brand to represent the rainbow part of our company, but we also wanted to find shades and hues of those colors that represented innocence and wonderment. I finally found a color scheme that we all believed represented that, which is shown above. We also wanted a simple logo, one that was easy to the eye. Maddi and Ariana came up with the design of the logo as well as the typeface. Next we had to design the website and coupon. I created the outline of the coupon, while Elijah created the majority of it. Maddi and Ariana worked on creating the website, which helped reinforce that idea of simplicity.

Our last rotation was video production. We had the difficulty of not being able to have a physical product in our commercial, so we decided to approach it by explaining the problems with creating rainbows the manual way, and describing how the Rainbow Generator can solve these problems. Maddi, Ariana, and Elijah did acting for the video, Elijah created the animation, and I filmed and edited the commercial.

What did you learn along the way?
Along the way I learned many things. I grasped a better understanding of using SketchUp, as previously I had little knowledge of how to use the product. I also learned small techniques in video editing that betters the overall end product, such as adjusting and mixing audio volume, adding titles and professional credits, and how to add effects to videos, like adjusting the speed. Professionally, I learned how to understand and work with a team that I knew little about before embarking on this project. I learned how to cooperate better with out people and how we all need to compromise to achieve a solid end product.

What would you do differently next time? What would you do the same?
Next time, I would probably try harder to become more involved with creative decisions and deciding the direction that the company is going in, as in this project I didn't feel the motivation to do that. Things I will probably do the same is continue being a source of logic for the team and compromise with other team members regarding important decisions.

What will you draw from this experience to enhance your next project?
I will bring an effort to work better with others and make our goals clearer before beginning to do a lot of work. I will also try to become more involved with the team, especially when making creative decisions that guide the direction of the project.

All in all, I enjoyed the project. I thought it was rather enjoyable and allowed to combine and use all the information and creative processes that we learned in this school year.

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