Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Photoshop Projects

Project 1: For the first project, I used the opacity bar to make the text and the compass logo to appear faded and make it see through. I used the Horizontal Text Tool in order the create the text on the photo. I also used the Magic Eraser to erase the bits of white in the original compass image to make those parts in the compass clear.

Project 2: In the second project I used the Magic Wand Tool to select certain areas of the butterfly's wings. Once I did this I used the Hue/Saturation Panel to change the hues of the colors of the selected parts on the butterfly. I also used the Clone Stamp Tool, to copy and fade the sides of the butterfly's wings to make it appear that they are fluttering.

Project 3: In the third project I used the Horizontal Type Mask Tool to create a mask out of typed text. I also used the Character Panel to change the properties of my selected text. Once I did this I used command-shift-I to inverse my selection to select everything but the text, and then I used the gradient tool to create a gradient using ONW colors and dragged it across the picture in a linear fashion to apply it to the selected background.

Project 4: Lastly, in the fourth project I first used combinations of the Clone Stamp Tool and the content-aware fill option to cleanly get rid of certain unneeded object in the picture, such as light posts or cars. Then to get the Raven head into the picture, I used the Magnetic Lasso Tool to carefully select the Raven from its original picture, and I pasted it into the project. I also pasted other objects into the project and to get rid of some of the edges of the picture I used a layer mask to erase away the edges. I then used the opacity bar to fade these objects into the picture.

Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop are different in terms of work because Illustrator is more suited towards creating drawings and other types of images or sketches, while Photoshop is more suited towards photo manipulation and design. Graphic designers need both of these programs because both programs are better at their job than the other program is, so usage of both of these programs is good to fully perform your task to the fullest extent.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Web Design Project

In this project we got to create our very own webpage in Adobe Dreamweaver CS6. I learned how HTML code works and how to use it, as well as the interface of Dreamweaver. I also learned how to use CSS to set a certain design for a website. I didn't find the project too particularly difficult, I thought it was pretty easy to grasp and work with. The only troubles I had was embedding a YouTube video, and that was because of a small mistake in YouTube's coding. I found the project to be very enjoyable. I liked customizing things and coding to see my creation come to life.